Do you love the 80s???? Like really really love the 80s???
If you said yes then you should most definitely make your way down to Chile, because they are stuck in the 80s as far as fashion goes!!
For men the mullet is the ONLY acceptable haircut here (insert barfing noises). I am not kidding. This is not a joke. Mullets are everywhere I go and I always want to take pictures but I’m too scared they’ll notice and ask me questions, or worse break my camera!!! But anyway, if the regular old mullet is too tame for you I’ve seen a mullet that makes all the other mullets look…well almost normal. I am talking about the infamous dread/mullet combo!!!!!!!!! That’s right business in the front, dreads in the back. It involves super short hair in the front and dreads that don’t quite reach your butt in the back. I almost vommed everywhere when I first saw this ‘do’ so now when I see regular old mullets I am relieved.
Men’s fashion is mostly high top sneakers with your choice of either acid wash jeans OR white jeans. Then on top they have the lovely crew neck sweatshirts or northface looking jackets (side note: If you wear actual northface here it is very VERY obvious that you are a foreigner).
Now for the ladies the hair is not so extreme. Many Chilean women just have very long hair, but unfortunately it’s not 80s voluminous hair with a whole can of hairspray in it. They also wear the crew neck sweatshirts along with scarves that mostly have floral patterns on them. They wear this under their leather jackets! The girls either wear acid wash skinny jeans/jeggings or leggings as pants. But these are not just your regular everyday black leggings (how boring would that be?!) these are patterned leggings. Usually floral patterns once again. For shoes the girls also wear the high top sneaks OR ankle boots that more often than not have heels. Why you would wear boots with heels when you walk on uneven sidewalks all day, I do not know! But they do!
So there you go! A lovely description of Chilean fashion. I REALLY hope that the 80s make a come back in the states so that all my friends born after the 80s can witness this glorious sight!
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