Monday, August 15, 2011

La Vida Diario (daily life)

And now a day in the pictures!!!
First I wake up and open the blinds and see this

After eating breakfast and getting ready for school I go to the bus stop wait around till I see the right one and hop on a micro.

Okay this isn't actually the micro I take, mine is blue and much prettier.

And here is Plaza Miraflores, which is where I get off the micro then walk across a bridge to my school. I'd give more details but I'm becoming Chilean so I will just tell you the bare bones of my walk to school.

This is my school! But remember this building is actually an empty high school, the university is in another location that I'm not allowed to go to because of the protests being violent and all. But good news! They put a microonda (microwave) in the school, so no more weird sandwiches for me!

After a long day of classes (okay I actually only had one class today and it didn't start until 11:45). I retire to my bedroom to do some of my reading for my one class. And this is the view from my desk.

Well I hope you all enjoyed seeing instead of reading about my daily adventures!
Hopefully the next post I can update you on Chilean fashion :)


1 comment:

  1. The building with your classes is so pretty! Is that the one all the international students are using or just IFSA? Also: gorgeous sunset. So so jealous.
